switchboard-program 0.2.1

A Rust library to interact with Switchboard data feeds.


A Rust library to interact with Switchboard's hosted data feeds.


This package can be used to manage Switchboard data feed account parsing.

Specifically, this package will return the most recent confirmed round result from a provided data feed AccountInfo.


use switchboard_program;
use switchboard_program::{
let aggregator: AggregatorState = switchboard_program::get_aggregator(
    switchboard_feed_account // &AccountInfo
let round_result: RoundResult = switchboard_program::get_aggregator_result(

// pub struct RoundResult {
    // pub num_success: Option<i32>,
    // pub num_error: Option<i32>,
    // pub result: Option<f64>,
    // pub round_open_slot: Option<u64>,
    // pub round_open_timestamp: Option<i64>,
    // pub min_response: Option<f64>,
    // pub max_response: Option<f64>,
    // pub medians: Vec<f64>,
// }

// Compute conservative? Use the parse optimized result account instead:

let fast_parse_feed_round = FastRoundResultAccountData::deserialize(

// pub struct FastRoundResultAccountData {
    // pub parent: [u8;32],
    // pub result: FastRoundResult,
// }
// // A precisioned decimal representation of the current aggregator result
// // where `result is represented as ${mantissa} / (10^${scale})`
// pub struct SwitchboardDecimal {
    // pub mantissa: i128,
    // pub scale: u64
// }
// pub struct FastRoundResult {
    // pub num_success: i32,
    // pub num_error: i32,
    // pub result: f64,
    // pub round_open_slot: u64,
    // pub round_open_timestamp: i64,
    // pub min_response: f64,
    // pub max_response: f64,
    // pub decimal: SwitchboardDecimal,
// }